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2021 Foaling Review

Writer's picture: All the King's HorsesAll the King's Horses

It's official... as of 4:06 am on July 28, our foaling season here at All the King's Horses is complete. We are thankful for the safe arrival of our final Brabant x Percheron colt as well as all his older friends and siblings. Here's a quick summary of how our 2021 foal crop shook out:

- We had 14 foals out of the 15 mares that were bred for 2021. One mare slipped her pregnancy around Christmas which was unfortunate, but is part of breeding horses

- 7 colts, 7 fillies

- 4 Gypsy Vanner foals, 10 Brabant or Brabant cross foals

Brabant foals:

- 8 foals sired by Chris uit den Blommendaal, 2 bred at Tolman Farms and sired by Luka van de Waaienberg

- 5 colts, 5 fillies

- 2 foals out of imported mares, 4 mid to high percentage American Brabant foals, and 4 50% Brabant foals out of approved grade or Percheron mares

- 4 bay roans, 2 blue roans, 2 solid bays, 1 black, 1 grey

- 2 keeper fillies! One out of imported mare Hannekke van de Priemsteeg and one out of Dehan's very first horse, Percheron mare AKH Sequoia

Gypsy foals:

- All sired by FHF Shot o Whiskey

- 2 colts, 2 fillies

- 3 black/white tobianos, 1 solid black with stockings

- 1 keeper filly out of my first Gypsy mare, Aurora Acres Saoirse

In the end, we are simply grateful that the foals arrived safely and for the most part have been growing happy and healthy. There are always a handful of issues along the way, some more serious than others, but to successfully raise and wean our largest group of foals to date is a big deal for us. We are humbled by God's goodness to us in such a crazy season and look forward to finishing up the breeding season and anticipating more fun youngsters in 2022.



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